Mental Calculation League

Season 3 estimated to begin in April 2025.

GMCA organizes the Mental Calculation League and hosts weekly, remote competitions between elite mental calculators from around the world. Interested calculators can find a registration form here and detailed league instructions here. League competition adheres to the following outline:

-Each competitor engages in one 10-20 minute match-up per week. The two competitors engage in a direct head-to-head match-up consisting of a variety of task formats randomly generated. This website has a league simulator that reflects the type of question formats used in competition.

-At the conclusion of the season, the top half of competitors qualify for the playoffs stage. At the end of the playoffs stage, the top half of competitors qualify for the finals.

Mental C

We would be happy to have your participation! You can participation in MCL as a:



Illustration of a brain split into two halves, left side with mathematical formulas and right side with colorful paint splatters.