
Master Lee is a Korean abacus master who has been among the foremost abacus masters in the world for more than forty years, has made numerous television appearances demonstrating her skill, and has taught many thousands of students.

In competition, Jeonghee has won the International Abacus Competition and has two top-five finishes at the Mental Calculation World Cup — 2016, when she won multiplication and most versatile calculator, while taking second in addition, and 2018 when she won addition.


In addition to her many calculation accomplishments, Master Lee has devoted much of her life to sharing her love of numbers with children around the world. She once appeared on Korean television with a group of children who were described as “distracted” and “underachieving.” After 100-days of learning with Master Lee, nearly all of the students were able to perform mental calculation at a high level and demonstrated markedly increased focus.

After teaching thousands of students from South Korea and elsewhere in Asia, Master Lee moved to the United States to embark on a mission of growing appreciation for abacus in America. Currently residing in New Jersey, her academy — Abakidz — provides abacus instruction to children in the New York City area.

Interview with Jeonghee Lee