Aaryan Shukla performing calculations at Guinness World Records event in Italy.

Aaryan Shukla is the two-time defending champion of the Mental Calculation World Cup- and represents India in international competitions. He has been practicing mental math and calculation since the age of 6 years old and won the Mental Calculation World Cup in 2022 at an age of just 12 years old! In 2024, he won the World Cup for a second consecutive time, winning all five categories, setting the World Cup record in three of them, and finishing with more points per category than any prior competitor.

Aaryan is also the youngest ever winner of the Mind Sport Olympiad Mental Calculation event. Aaryan holds the record MCWC performance in square roots, multiplication, and calendar dates. He has finished first in square roots and multiplication twice, and in addition, calendar dates, and surprise tasks once.


Aaryan also performed an astonishing calculation feat at MCWC 2022 — multiplying two 20 digit numbers in 105 seconds — a time unofficially improved upon later. This involves calculating 400 multiplication products and nearly 400 addition sums all while working with numbers so big that the answer ends up far into the undecillions! In December 2024, in Dubai, Aaryan set six Guinness Book of World Records —- three related to Flash Anzan, two related to multiplication, and one for division. A video of one of the Flash Anzan performances subsequently went viral on TikTok and Facebook.

Aaryan is now beginning to focus on the field of mathematics and currently plans to pursue mathematics or aerospace engineering in the future.

Aaryan finished second in Season 1 of Calculation League.