Please note that the following statistics are “unofficial” and for informational purposes (and should not be cited as official statistics).
-Only top three-fourths of competitors in each category are posted.
-Figures are the competitor’s median match statistics, rather than the “season average.”
-Please note that there can be significant variation in the average difficulty of questions within a single category, and, therefore, directly comparing statistics may be of limited value.
Season 2 Playoff Statistics
Ranking | Competitor | Seconds/Score |
#1 | Wenzel Gruss, Germany | 2.3 |
#2 | Aaryan Shukla, India | 2.7 |
#3 | Rahul Robin, India | 4.5 |
#4 | Swanand Bhore, India | 5.0 |
#5 | Kaloyan Geshev, Bulgaria | 5.3 |
#6 | Mishti Shah, India | 6.0 |
#7 | Samuel Engel, USA | 7.5 |
#8 | Jure Colak, Bosnia & Herzegovina | 8.3 |
#9 | Kamil Kotowicz, Poland | 9.7 |
Ranking | Competitor | Seconds/Score |
#1 | Wenzel Gruss, Germany | 5.2 |
#2 | Aaryan Shukla, India | 7.4 |
#3 | Kaloyan Geshev, Bulgaria | 10.1 |
#4 | Swanand Bhore, India | 10.9 |
#5 | Rahul Robin, India | 12.9 |
#6 | Jure Colak, Bosnia & Herzegovina | 15.9 |
#7 | Kamil Kotowicz, Poland | 19.0 |
#8 | Samuel Engel, USA | 21.2 |
#9 | Marc Jornet Sanz, Spain | 22.5 |
Ranking | Competitor | Seconds/Score |
#1 | Wenzel Gruss, Germany | 10.5 |
#2 | Aaryan Shukla, India | 12.1 |
#3 | Rahul Robin, India | 17.8 |
#4 | Jure Colak, Bosnia & Herzegovina | 19.0 |
#5 | Kaloyan Geshev, Bulgaria | 21.7 |
#6 | Swanand Bhore, India | 23.6 |
#7 | Domenico Mancuso, Italy | 25.7 |
#8 | Kamil Kotowicz, Poland | 29.8 |
#9 | Samuel Engel, USA | 32.9 |
Ranking | Competitor | Seconds/Score |
#1 | Wenzel Gruss, Germany | 15.1 |
#2 | Aaryan Shukla, India | 19.5 |
#3 | Kaloyan Geshev, Bulgaria | 30.1 |
#4 | Samuel Engel, USA | 39.0 |
#5 | Jure Colak, Bosnia & Herzegovina | 41.5 |
#6 | Rahul Robin, India | 43.3 |
#7 | Swanand Bhore, India | 47.7 |
#8 | Kamil Kotowicz, Poland | 48.7 |
#9 | Marc Jornet Sanz, Spain | 59.8 |
The following leaderboards simply reflect the top standard task performances at the Mental Calculation World Cup.
Addition Leaderboard
Yuki Kimura (Japan) 33 (2016)
Tetsuya Ono (Japan) 32 (2022)
Jeonghee Lee (South Korea) 31 (2016)
Naota Higa (Japan) 31 (2022)
Jeonghee Lee (South Korea) 30 (2018)
Multiplication Leaderboard
Aaryan Shukla (India) 25 (2024)
Aaryan Shukla (India) 21 (2022)
Tomohiro Iseda (Japan) 20 (2018)
Samuel Engel (United States) 19 (2022)
Jeonghee Lee (South Korea) 18 (2016)
Square Roots Leaderboard
Aaryan Shukla (India) 82 (2024)
Aaryan Shukla (India) 74 (2022)
Kaloyan Geshev (Bulgaria) 61 (2024)
Kaloyan Geshev (Bulgaria) 47 (2022)
Granth Thakkar (India) 44 (2022)
Calendar Dates Leaderboard
Aaryan Shukla (India) 100 (2024)
Akshita Shah (India) 80 (2022)
Marc Sanz (Spain) 71 (2018)
Georgi Georgiev (Bulgaria) 66 (2016)
Marc Sanz (Spain) 64 (2014)